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Mission Statement
The Town of Esopus Library, through a team of friendly, knowledgeable, and well-trained Staff, Volunteers, Friends, and Trustees, is dedicated to providing people of all ages with innovative lifelong learning and leisure opportunities through information, education, technology, and entertainment.

Adopted by the Board of Trustees: October 25, 2006


Vision Statement
The Town of Esopus Library strives to reflect and enrich community life in the Town of Esopus and the surrounding areas.  As a focal point, the Library works in partnership with its patrons, community groups, and the Mid-Hudson Library System to stay in the forefront of local needs and trends.  Library programs and facilities are designed to complement the unique characteristics of the Town of Esopus.

Adopted by the Board of Trustees: October 25, 2006


Friends of the Esopus Library
The Friends of the Esopus Library is a group of dedicated volunteers that work to promote community awareness of the Library and its programs, provide additional financial support, promote special events/programs, and encourage volunteer participation at the Library.


Town of Esopus Library Foundation
The Town of Esopus Library Foundation was created as a result of the generosity of Mr. Donald W. Taylor in memory of his mother, Bessie Houghtaling Taylor.  The Foundation works to provide a continual financial source for the benefit of the Library, as well as promote its works and causes.

Library Staff

Jesse Chance - Director

Fox North - Adult and Teen Programmer

Charlotte Svetkey - Children's Programmer

Deborah McMenemy - Office Clerk

Laura Salgarolo - Library Assistant

Barbara Wurtz - Clerk

Marilyn Genter - Clerk

Josie LaPolt - Clerk

Janet Wiggin - Clerk

2025 Holiday Closures

​January 1 - New Year's Day

January 20 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day

February 17 - Presidents' Day

May 26 - Memorial Day

June 19 - Juneteenth

July 4 - Independence Day

September 1 - Labor Day

October 13 - Indigenous Peoples' Day

November 27/28 - Thanksgiving

December 24/25 - Christmas Eve & Christmas Day




Mailing & Delivery Address

P.O. Box 1167

128 Canal Street

Port Ewen, NY 12466


Phone & Fax

Phone: 845-338-5580

Fax: 845-338-5583



Library Location
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